
Travel Cost’s
This is a very rough estimate of how much each part of the trip will cost. Due to rising prices of oil the cost’s will most likely go up.

Part 1
Flight to KTM from London around £450
Bus from KTM to Pokhara around £5
Tour from KTM to Lhasa around £400
Train from Lhasa to Guangzhou around £190
Guangzhou to Nanning around £50
Bus from Nanning to Hanoi around £15


Alternate trip 1
Bus from Hanoi to Vientiane £20×2
Hanoi to Saigon soft sleeper lower berth around £50
Bus from Saigon to Phnom Penh Around £10
Speed boat from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap Around £25
Bus from Siem Reap to Poipot Border crossing around £5
Tuk Tuk from Poipot to Aranyaprathet around £2
Train from Aranyaprathet to Bangkok around £1

 Sub Total:£133
Total Including Flight Home:£1748

Alternate trip 2
Bus from Hanoi to Nanning around £15
Train from Nanning to Beijing around £72
Trans-Mongolian Express to Moscow around £600
Moscow to Cologne around £300
Cologne to Brussels around £14
Brussels to London around £39

Sub Total:£1040
Total £2155

Alternate trip 3
Hanoi to Vientiane around £20
Train fromVientiane to  Nong Khai around £0.50
Train from Nong Khai to Bangkok around £16
Train from Bangkok to Aranyaprathet around £1
Tuk Tuk from Aranyaprathet to Poipot around £2
Bus from Poipot Border crossing to Siem Reap around £5
Speed boat from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh  Around £25
Bus from Phnom Penh to Saigon  Around £10
Saigon to Hanoi soft sleeper lower berth around £50

Sub Total:£129.50
Plus Alternate trip 2:£1169.50

Living Cost’s
As a rough estimate if i take £3000 to live on and spent £20 per day i should able to afford to stay for 150 days which is around 5 months. Some places may cost more than this but some will cost considerable less, as for example i will be staying with friends and family in Nepal for the first month or so.

Visa’s Cost’s
Nepal £65
Tibet/China included in tour price
Vietnam £45 x2?
Laos £20
Thailand £25
Cambodia  $20 USD around £13
China  around £30

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